Trump Won, Now What?
The unimaginable has happened. America has voted the most unlikely candidate for President and a lot of people got caught by surprise. However, I wasn’t as surprised that Trump won. In fact, I was half expecting it. For all of Trump’s bluster, I already had a feeling he will have a good showing in the polls, maybe a close race with Clinton if Clinton did win. But when it was shown he was leading in the early polls, I knew he was going to win. What surprised me was that the whole country voted Republican. The US congress and senate is now controlled by the Republicans. Last time, congress was controlled by the Republicans but the senate was controlled by the Democrats. This time around, the Democrats were completely demolished. Why? Historically, when the economy is doing badly, the incumbent party almost always losses. Why? Because the people wants change, so the kick out the current party and install a new party to see if they can make things better. If the economy is doing well...