Leaving A Legacy
We all like to be remembered in one way or another. Sometimes we want to be remembered by our community, sometimes by our industry. Sometimes we wish that even just our family would remember us. How would you like to be remembered by your grandchildren forever? Before I give you an idea how, let me prove a point. Get a piece of paper and draw four lines on the top half and draw eight lines on the bottom half. On the four lines on top, write down the name of your grandparents, first name and last name, on your mother’s side and your father’s side. Most likely, only half of you would remember the full name of your grandparents. Now, on the eight lines at the bottom, write down the first name and last name of your eight great-grandparents. Rarely do we meet someone who can write the full name of their great grandparents. Interesting isn’t it? So how come John D. Rockefeller’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandkids can remember his first and last name and you don...