Credit Card and Identity Fraud
Every month I get a phone call from our clients saying that their credit card has been subjected to fraud. I never used to get these calls but it seems that the number of cases have really gone up in the last six months. It is a big pain in the neck to clear up your account and go through the motions of cancelling your credit card, getting a new one and making sure you don't pay for the items that was purchased on your credit card. The bigger problem is identity theft when someone actually seems to have taken over your life. Here are eight things you can do to protect yourself from credit card and identity theft. 1. Keep your information private. Memorize your SIN number and don't keep it in your wallet. If your wallet is stolen, so is your SIN number. Keep it in a secure place like a safe at home or a locked drawer. Don't keep it lying around where a thief might break in and steal it. Don't give out your SIN number to anyone. The banks, insurance companies and other fi...